Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Story ideas - Humpty Dumpty - Research

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

The following is thoughts as they came to my head:

Possible Meanings of key words:
-A fence
-A barrier - physical or emotional
-(sitting on the fence - undecided)

Great Fall:
-large fall
-fall from a high place
-enjoyable/fun fall - skydiving/bungee jumping?
- A Good Autumn?

From this breakdown - possible ideas:
- Bungee jumping (possibly too obvious - not really funny)

- Character is not sure about the changing of the seasons - he enjoys autumn - I lose the idea there - not sure how kings horses would relate.

Animated Story Idea:
Bungee Dumpty - OR - Humpty Bungee
Open on man sitting on a wall.
sad music
jumps off
we see he is actually bungee jumping - as in it is a great fall - happy/excited music
rope tenses
man splits in half - says "ouch"
horse or two look up from eating grass in a field - they have riders
they walk over to the two halves of body on the ground and look at it (blood pool getting bigger? - Don't know how far I want to go :P )
one horse looks at the other horse, pauses, then shrugs (riders keep looking at the body)


Bungee Dumpty - OR - Humpty Bungee
Open on man sitting on a wall - swinging his legs - looking like he is unsure (figuratively sitting on a wall)
leans forwards and jumps/falls off
we see he is actually bungee jumping and enjoying it - as in it is a great fall - happy/excited music
rope tenses
man splits in half - says "ouch"
horse or two look up from eating grass in a field - they have riders
the horses walk over to the two halves of body on the ground and look at it (blood pool getting bigger? - Don't know how far I want to take the gore :P )
one horse looks at the other horse, pauses, and then shrugs (riders keep looking at the body)

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