After reading through the given nursery rhymes I ruled out 'Oranges and Lemons' and kind of honed in on 'Little Miss Muffet' or 'Humpty Dumpty'.
My aim is to come up with a humorous, 'clever' interpretation of whichever rhyme I choose. I want to form a story that is fresh as well as interesting to watch.
The Rhymes:
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.
Both of these have literal interpretations which I would like to not rely on so much for this project; which is where I hope for the 'clever' part to come in.
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